Can It Be True?

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I was talking to “The Secret’s” Dr. Joe Vitale and he was sharing something I found very surprising.

He said, “I’ve never met or come across anyone in all of my travels and teachings over the last 30-odd years, that doesn’t have some limiting or irrational beliefs around money. I don’t know anyone, colleague or otherwise, who doesn’t have some level of this one root belief: Money is the root of all evil.”

Said in the language of the brain: Money is bad or Money = Bad.

You see, the brain works by associating two things and pairing them together.

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love you?

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Are you feeling blocked?

Is there a GAP between what you want and what you have in life?

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Are you feeling dissatisfied in your job?

Feeling like you are on autopilot in your life?

Lost your natural enthusiasm and joy?

Perhaps your current relationship is not fulfilling you

or you are sick of being alone?

Maybe your current business is at a plateau?

I’ve seen all of these before AND been through all of them myself


How to Shift Into Joy in 10 Heartbeats!

Okay so I’m not sure if this will only take 10 or less for everyone as heartbeats are pretty personal to one’s health and mindset. According to the Mayo Clinic, anything between 60-100 rested beats per second is around the norm.

Anyways – Here we go:

This morning I went surfing. It was 7am and the swell was up big! 6-8 foot waves arrived during the night.

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Intentions Sunday and Beyond

Some people have asked for examples of intentions and written deliberate creation.

Here is my Sunday morning practice of written intention:

Intentions Sunday and beyond:

I intend to reside in Spirits loving embrace and guidance. Easily hearing, feeling and knowing the Divine guidance extended to me for the highest good. My writing is flowing gracefully and effortlessly from this space as I am a vehicle for Divine grace and love. I intend to listen patiently to the soft voice of the heart as it leads me into deeper levels of continuous inner harmony and thankfulness. From this place I am extending gratitude and appreciation outward to all those whom I encounter, remembering that by consciously choosing to maintain my highest expression I honor Source and my fellow beings.

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