Very Useful For You

Here is a highly illuminating and practical piece of information to help you manifest your heart's desires!

One of my Goal Achievement mentors shared this with me:

A study was conducted at Brigham Young University, to determine what factors were important in achieving goals, and effecting a change in your life. [Read more...]

Seven Things to Help You

How you are allowing yourself to THINK?

How you allow yourself to think can lead to depression AND it can lead to fulfillment.

How you allow yourself to think can steal your peace and dreams or it can facilitate them.

Here are 7 Empowering Mindsets for achieving joy, peace, and fulfillment in your life:

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Inspirational Energy

Are you feeling inspired every morning to “get to it?”

Need to make a change but the days keep going by… and by… and you still haven’t made it?

Has it been a year? Or two years?

And that book isn’t started, your website isn’t up, or you’re still in that job?

[Read more…]