Work with Sheldon

Congratulations. If you are on this page you are heeding the call to up level your life to one of abundance and daily miracles.


I provide several different coaching levels, each aimed at providing the tools and tips necessary for cultivating a seamless blend of Spirituality and its miracles into your daily life.

In our work together you will:

  • Gain greater awareness and let go of the beliefs that stop you from living your greatest happiness, your biggest abundance, your deepest and most fulfilling relationships.
  • Learn and strengthen your ability to see yourself the way Source sees you – as infinitely lovable and awesome!
  • Achieve more connection to the unstoppable feeling within!
  • See clearly what your life’s work is in the world and move forward in living that calling!
  • Heal past wounds and let go of resentment, anger, blame.
  • Cultivate forgiveness, appreciation and love with yourself and others.
  • Strengthen your connection and clarity with your higher self and learn how to receive infinite guidance whenever you ask.
  • Identify and let go of competing intentions that sabotage you!
  • Learn and strengthen your skills in keeping your vibration high so you can feel fantastic and manifest your intentions  rapidly and easily!
  • Feel connected to your purpose and higher calling!
  • Feel complete and perfect just as you are, with all your “humanness.”


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