I’d love to share with you my “Top 7 Books” that have awakened something dormant within, helped shed what didn’t serve and/ or have given me incredibly valuable tools and practices.
(In no particular order)
- “Conscious Loving” by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. A famous book from the early 1990’s that is just as relevant today. Taught me how to relate to myself in greater ways of loving and honesty. A must read, in my opinion, for your relationship to self and others and expanding joy.
- “The Power of Intention” by Wayne Dyer. A great read (actually I have it as an audio book) that helped me own my power as a creative being! I still love to listen to this while at the gym or while driving. Wayne has such a simple and easy style of communicating!
- “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. Another audio book I have for the gym and car. I love the interview style of this book. I get to hear people like Bob Proctor, Rev. Michael Beckwith and Esther Hicks speak about their experiences and knowledge. Serves as a good inspirational tool!
- “Homecoming” by John Bradshaw. A book that was part of my Masters in Spiritual Psychology curriculum. It was both enlightening and liberating for me. John’s work with understanding and healing the “child self” is fantastic!
- “As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen is a very short and powerful read. You can actually read it online now for free: JamesAllen.wwwhubs.com/think.htm.
- “The Eagles Gift” by Carlos Castaneda. I read this book at age 15 and it woke something up inside me. I wanted so badly to “do” what the protagonist was doing. I remember thinking “I wish I could go to a cave in some faraway land and learn from an enlightened teacher. Someday I’m going to find out that I am powerful and amazing too!”
- “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. A blend of Buddhist and Taoist philosophy and practices that have eons of tradition and wonderful value. “I am observing my thoughts/this feeling” has been a simple and powerful tool for creating shifts for me.
I want to wish you all the most beautiful, fantastic and abundantly filled upcoming year! I SEE you all growing and expanding in ways that exceed your most heartfelt desires! (with joy and grace of course!)
I’d love to hear what your fav’s are. Leave a comment below with your top list so I can know what’s been impactful for YOU and we can share those resources with others. 🙂
Thank you and seeing abundant blessings for you always in all ways!!